About Us

Gryson Delp

Junior Trainer

My fitness journey began when I looked in the mirror and thought, “It’s time to make a change.”I used to play some sports such as golf, football, and basketball as hobbies, but when I discovered bodybuilding, I knew that I had discovered my passion. I had found that change and focus that I felt like I was missing.

I have been bodybuilding consistently for three years now, and I plan on competing in pro bodybuilding in the foreseeable future. I understand that staying consistent with one’s fitness goals is very tough, and I try every day and every workout to turn a vision into reality.

I am currently pursuing a degree in Exercise Science at TCC and will soon transfer to ODU to finish my Bachelor’s along with my personal training certification through the International Sports Sciences Association.

I continue to work every day to turn my hobby and passion into a career, along with helping others achieve a healthy body and lifestyle, so they can truly feel the freedom and confidence one receives when they put in the work. I’m excited to be a part of the team here at Meyer Fitness! See you in the gym!